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a1233: Haitian Experiences (fwd)

From: riwilson <RIWILSON@maf.org>

        I am glad to share with you my experiences in Haiti.  I have worked
     in Haiti for six years now.  I spend 6 1/2 months a year in the country
     teaching and administering a Bible Institute.  Our only requirement for
     accepting students is that they are immersed believers in Jesus Christ.
      We make no stipulation about what denomination they come from, though
     preference goes to our own--the Christian Church/Church of Christ.  The
     only requirement we make is that they agree that they will not debate
     particular doctrines in class so that time is not wasted for all the
     student's on one student's particular problem.   This works well.

        One problem we encounter in teaching is that questions become the
     norm instead of teaching.  So I have one rule.  All questions must be
     written down on a piece of paper and handed to the front of the class.
      Then I spend the last fifteen minutes of the two-hour class answering
     questions.  This allows me to stay on task and answer questions too.
     Otherwise we would never finish a course.

        As a result of my work I have had invitations to go to many places
     in Haiti: Marchon-Dessalines, Carrefour, Petionville, Bassin Bleu, Cap
     Haitian and Port Margot to name a few.  Most of the time I have
     traveled by public transportation due to a lack of personal funds and
     transportation.  This means riding the bus and tap-taps.  This is a
     real challenge for someone who is sixty-three and six foot five.  I
     don't fit well into tap-taps.

        One thing I have learned about the Haitians is that they are very
     kind, hospitable, and intelligent. One thing I do when traveling into
     the country is to carry five pounds of rice with me in my back pack.
     and when I am fed a meal and given a place to stay for the night or
     nights I leave that as a gift because I do not want my presence to
     harm my hosts and their families.

     Perhaps I will write again about particular experiences.  I hope this
     short email will prove to be a different breeze on the list.

     Richard Wilson