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12506: Re: Caves in Haiti

From: "[iso-8859-1] Florence Sergile" <fsergile@yahoo.fr>

Caves in Haiti

I am editing some chapter on caves in Haiti.  It is an
opportunity to document unpublished information on Haiti.
I would greatly appreciate the following information:

Name of the Cave:

Locality (please include the nearest known town and the


Description (size, color of the rock, stalagmites and
stalactites, prehistoric drawings on the walls, occurrence
of artifacts, bones, human skeleton etc., occurrence of
underground water etc.):

Impressions on the structure:


Suggested bibliography:


I thank you very much for any information that can be
provided.  I hope to have as much information as possible
on the following:

Grotte de Port-à-Piment, Grotte Counoubois, Grotte aux
Bassins, Trou d'Enfer,  Grotte in  Morne Cartaches, Gouffre
Effrayant, Voûte à Minguet, Grottes of Bassin Zim.

Please pass it on to friends.  I will need this information
by the 20th of July.  Please reply directly to

Thanks for your collaboration

Florence Sergile