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12526: FW: Reminder!!![hss] HSS Seminar Saturday July 27,2002 11:45 AM in Boston

From: "Alfred No[ISO-8859-1] ël" <alfred.noel@umb.edu>
To: hss@cs.umb.edu


Dear Fiends:
            Below you will find information concerning the next HSS seminar.
To see the poster go to http://www.math.umb.edu/hss/seminars/2002/rc.html.
For further information please contact me at:

Mathematics Department Room 2-279
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139

Or call 617-253-3214

Or email anoel@math.mit.edu

I hope to see you there.


Seminar Series

Saturday July 27, 2002

11:45: AM ­ 1:30: PM

Northeastern University, Boston Mathematics Seminar Room
Nightingale Hall, 5th Floor

Synthetically Controlled Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field
Patterns and their Coupling Effects on surrounding structures

Pierre-Richard J. Cornely, Ph.D.,

374¹s Research Corporation,
D.B.A., 374¹s Electric Power Corporation
Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072-3738

The Schrödinger Equation, and its associated postulates are the basis for
the worldview that the atomic realm including the electron and photon cannot
be described in terms of ³pure wave² or ³pure particle² but in terms of a
wave-particle duality. The wave-particle duality is based on the fundamental
principle that physics on an atomic scale is very different from physics on
a macroscopic scale and is central to present day atomic theory. The
wave-particle duality hints at fundamental and important concept, which
relates to the fact that we may be able to understand the interaction of
electrons from their related associations with a variety of  ³Magnetic
Fields Patterns². These Magnetic Field Patterns would become an integral
part of all scientific hypotheses, and consequently an integral part of all
investigations regarding the fundamental behavior of matter.

For a number of years, a number of studies tried to establish a correlation
between ³Magnetic Field Patterns² and carefully chosen cellular structures.
Shishkin et al., reports variations in metabolism under the influence of
weak Electromagnetic Fields of various Frequency ranges in Human Cells.
These variations have been linked to components of chromosomes responsible
for the transfer of genetic characteristics in all life forms, the
DeoxyriboNuclic Acid or DNA. In addition, Potter et al., reports on Modeling
Low-Frequency Induction in Humans Close to Line Sources Using the Finite
Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD). In his work, computation results show
fields within the human body are considerably stronger for organs such as
the brain and thyroid for the line source exposure. In addition, Reiter et
al., reports on an international scientific effort in order to provide an
overall assessment of the bio-effects induced by Power Lines Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields. In his report, the evidence based on results from
various studies suggests at least a classification of these ³Magnetic Field
Patterns² as potential Carcinogens.

Recently, a study of Electromagnetic Field Coupling (EMC) using FDTD in
³split reference plane analysis² reveals Electromagnetic Field Patterns
between reference planes linked by a perpendicularly crossing trace to
produce adverse effects in switching levels. Such effects disrupt the
intimate relationship in internal timing inherent to multiple handshaking in
signal and communication systems in general and computer systems in
particular. These effects manifest to the user as unwanted and unexpected
computer system malfunctions, the RESET problem and even in some cases,
corruption of viable memory sections such as BIOS. In addressing these
issues, Lyle et al., reports that adding structures with suitable Magnetic
Field Patterns of their own within a carefully chosen section of the
surrounding environment can produce a change of ³Magnetic Field Patterns².

Based on the previous findings it can be hypothesized that coupling between
Magnetic Field Patterns and their immediate environments can be detrimental
to structures within these environments based on the nature of these
Couplings. It can also be hypothesized based on previous studies that these
Magnetic Field Patterns can be synthetically rearranged or changed. It is
therefore the purpose of this presentation to discuss the nature of Magnetic
Field Patterns and structures within their surrounding environments. It is
also the purpose of this presentation to provide useful insights and several
examples regarding mechanisms to synthetically alter Magnetic Field Patterns
such as they may become harmless and/or useful to structures within their
surrounding environments. Some of the applications examples we will discuss
include: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radio wave propagation, High capacity
power transmission cable technology, superconductivity, Energy storage and
transport methods.

Short Biography:

Pierre-Richard Jean Cornely received the ³Diplome D¹ingenieur² in
Electro-Mechanical Engineering from ³La Grande Ecole des Ponts et
Chaussees², Paris France in 1986, the BS-MS degree in Electrical Engineering
from Northeastern University in 1989 and the MS and Ph.D., degrees in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell in
1995 and 1999.  He has worked on several problems of interest to the
Scientific Community, chief among them are: Medical Image Segmentation &
Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing, Ionospheric Tomography,
Physics, Modeling and Applications, Iterative Methods based on Projection
onto Convex Sets and Low Orbit versus Global Positioning satellites (GPS)
measurement techniques.

For the past three years (1999-Present), he has been working on a new
Renewable Energy invention project as President and CEO of 374¹s Research
Corporation. As a result, he has helped the Corporation obtain a patent for
the invention and developed several related designs-prototypes currently in
construction. He has also contributed in the development of Mathematical and
Engineering frameworks for several related products including: High Capacity
Power Transmission cables, Surf Hydroelectric Turbines and High Speed
Flywheel Energy Storage techniques. He has also worked in the field as an
Engineering Project Coordinator for Synergy in East Walpole, Massachusetts.
At Synergy he has learned how to be a hands on Engineer and Manager and was
instrumental in the development of several PC and MAC related products to
assist patients with severe disabilities.

His current research interests include: Physical Geography as it relates to
Climatology, Electromagnetic Field theory, GPS Ionospheric Tomography and
Modeling, Signal and Image Processing, Energy Transport Methods and

Alfred G. Noël
The University of Massachusetts Boston
Department of Mathematics
Science Building, Floor 03, Room 00077
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393


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