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12978: About #12966 by Olivier Nadal (fwd)

From: JJEANPIERRE1@aol.com

Although I didn't want to start a colloquy with Mr. Nadal, I would like to
him that he's the one who called Aristide's wife "a poor bourgeoise"  while
proudly asserting his status of  bona fide bourgeois.  Am I playing with
words or have I not understood you?
">For your information, Aristide just bought a Boeing 737 that sits in a
>dominican airport.Maybe you can share with us where does this money to buy
>this plane  comes from?"
You just informed us of this new possession of Aristide and in the same
breath you're asking me to divulge the source of his income!  How would I
The last time I spoke to him personally in 1994 I was a reporter at the
United Nations.
In fact, you seem to be so cognizant of the guy's assets, you should share
your sources with the list.  Here at Corbetland, we are family.  Aren't we?
jean jean-pierre