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12015: Reply to Father Graves' withdrawl

From: De Wind <mtdewind@iinet.net.au>

After reading Father Michael Graves post regarding threatening phone
calls, i also must remind everyone that even though this list is one where
we can openly voice our opinions on Haiti, it is not always the most
practical and safest way to do so. Yes this is a shame but as with other
online forums and discussions there will always be two stories both on
opposite ends of the spectrum. I doubt pro-aristide supporters are the
only ones receiving these 'phone calls' ormenacing emails.

To cut a long story short, when the water gets hots...'get out',
especially when it comes to one's personal safety or if you cannot handle
it. i don't see why this harrassment situation is new when i feel that by
joining this list you automatically have to accept all possible outcomes
and consequences which may or may not follow with everything you say or

 ********* Des dames et des messieurs, c'est la vie ************

Another possible solution: just use a psudeo name...might be the safest
and cheapest alternative in protecting your identity...

>From the writers corner
