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13600: Re: Jean Du Tuyau and Mister Nadal Immigration Services (fwd)

From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com

Mister Nadal,

 I see that you are interested strongly with all your force in Haiti of
 Jean-Bertrand Aristide. I read the post in immigration that you've
 posted. Osmin, hein? I thought that Osmin was Osama. I was afraid
 fearful. I said: Oh oh, now, Aristide Osama too? Almost Bin Laden missing
 not there. Osmin, Osama, Bin Laden. All moun fou, tèt cho.
 Seriously speaking articulately, I think conspiracy too. Lavalas send
 people for money. Big Bucks. 500 million dollars. Big, Big bucks for
 Banque Internationale to give money. Oh oh No good like that.
 Haiti needs good politics of smart politicians in the worldly manner of
 globalization. So Aristide did no understand. He things globalization
 means boat-people come and Bush said okay. No no. No globalization like
 that. Globalization is more money. For Haiti not Lavalas. We need better
 Haiti with smart people, French speaking all the time. No creole.
 Okay okay but, Haiti much better when everything is no politically
 politic. Clear administer and good country for everybody in the
 experiences extraordinary of your smartness and all opposition people.
 Haiti for life, à vie.

Jean Du Tuyau