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13733: Simidor re: 13730, Haitian Police Fire on Demonstrators (fwd)

From: karioka9@cs.com

Aristide's police force firing on children....  Massive demonstrations in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien.... This is strangely reminiscent of days gone by, or more precisely of the weeks before the people "broke the monkey's tail" (Baby Doc's presidency for life), back in 1986.

Baby Doc left without much of a fuss.  I sure hope Titid has this much dignity left.  After all, when your very presence is making things worse, not better, it's time to pull the curtain -- regardless of what assorted sycophants, grands mangeurs, well-paid lobbyists, and Central America-nostalgic types might say.

The only people clinging to the "Constitution" right now are the fat cats getting fatter and fatter.... Stability and the status quo are not so important when life becomes a hopeless nightmare for the overwhelming majority of people.  Who will fill the ensuing vacuum?  Let the people decide!

Daniel Simidor