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13995: Du Tuyau: Re Simidor and other Declaration in Declaratory Declaration (fwd)

From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com

{In another segmentisation of same "In a message by Mister Simidor, Mister Simidor at 10:40:08 a.m. December 05, 2002), Mister Simidor writes:}

["You quite rightly noted my principled opposition to Convergence. Unfortunately Convergence is not much of an alternative to Lavalas. Convergence is too much of an IRI “Marie, couche-toi là.”  "]

and then continues continuously in same equally same paragraph:

["To give one example: I have no assurance that, should the US decide to invade and reoccupy Haiti, Gerard “the turn-coat” Pierre-Charles will not be hustling again between Port-au-Prince and Washington to provide an intellectual, well-articulated social-democratic, rational for Ti Bush’s agression. "]

Mister Simidor, I like beautiful Creole, Creole lots of wisdom wise people like every people in the world Earth planet. Creole says: "Pie kout, pran devan". That mean wisely, "short legs, walk before ahead of everybody else; not too much food or money to share".

So therefore and logically speaking, Gérard Pierre-Charles and cohorts walk fast, fast, fast, and took all the garnisons (sorry, English, garrison I think).

But, Mister Simidor, seriously serious here, proverb says: barks like dog, is dog; dances like wolf, is wolf.  Okay, okay, I sure you say true.

But, I ti frekan, fresh-fresh guy, and so I read and listen opposition of opposition to Lavalas all Convergence people I read and listen to. They say "diri" with one accent, you say "diri" with same accent. They say "lan mian" with one accent, you say "lan mian" with same exact directly equal equally same accent too. So barks like dog, is dog. So you see, Mister Simidor... No difference here. Maybe no member party Convergence you are not, but, but, but, Mister Simidor, with all respect respectfully so, and no nothing personal personality here, you no member Convergence, but where is difference can be differentiated, Mister Simidor?

Pierre-Charles and cohorts got the know-how and money with big BIG contact fast, fast, fast. But anyone in same position thinking intellectual, with same contact will probably do same to combat combatively "evil Lavalas" revolutionarily so, right? Right, Mister Simidor.

So for honesty to prevail and be honest in truth and logically speaking, you and me must have to definitely admit to evidence obvious the truth what it is. Okay, Mister Simidor? Okay, okay, I sure you agree not with me, but with factual logic, logically speaking.

Difference between black and blue, grey and white, is difference kan menm anyway. Difference between dark and light brown, or pale and dark blue is difference in shade no in color, colorfully so.

I go restaurant this weekend to manje dómi, so I maybe no answer. Lots of dishes and pots to wash. If I no answer, I answer to you Mister Simidor on Monday.

Jean Du Tuyau, losing his head crazily so, as a moun fou.