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14254: mrapollon@hotmail.com Re: Light for Haiti (fwd)

From: Marlčne Apollon <mrapollon@hotmail.com>

Four times this week, on December 23, 25, 30, and today, December 31, my
neighborhood was without electricity, the first time from 1:30 pm to 3:30 am.
As the hours dragged on, daylight vanished and the house began to turn cold, I
remained patient and in a good mood by thinking about the majority of the
people of Haiti who live without electricity 24 hours a day.  At least, in my
case, I knew that my problem  was temporary and that, sooner or later, it was
going to be fixed.

At the same time, however, I could not help thinking that if here in Baltimore
we were having all those "black outs" for no apparent reasons and if, with all
their technology, money and know-how, our Gas and Electric Company took such a
long time to fix a power outage on a couple of streets, how could we expect to
be able to solve the electrical problems of an entire country with such limited
resources as Haiti?

That reinforced my feeling that individuals and private organizations should
get involved.  I know that a few have already done so on a small scale. Why
couldn’t it be done on a larger scale?  Why can’t the “Jacmel miracle” of 24
hours electricity be repeated elsewhere?

  “Let there be  light” everywhere in Haiti.  This is one of my wishes.  Let
2003 be for all those who love Haiti a year of enlightenment in every way.
Have a great one.

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