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16055: Dorce: Re: 15879: Simidor responds to Dorce (fwd)

From: LAKAT47@aol.com

In a message dated 6/13/03 6:08:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Daniel Simidor
<karioka9@mail.arczip.com> writes:

<< This is getting rather tiresome, Dorce.  I've said time and again
 that I consider Convergence the equal of Lavalas, in term of their
 subservience to US imperialism.  I know it is difficult to think
 out of the two-party system.  I know liberals live and die by the
 "lesser of two evils" theory.  But dig this, I'm a radical.  I
 don't care which set of lackeys works best in terms of preserving
 the system of iniquity we have in Haiti.  The status quo is
 unlivable for 90% of the population.  So the status quo has got to
 go -- along with all the hustlers who gorge themselves from the
 suffering of the people. >>
There is no two-party system in Haiti, Daniel.  There are so many as to be
ridiculous.  I could go there and run on the Dorce party ticket and be just as
successful as 50% of the candidates.   (meaning not successful at all....but
I'd get a few votes I bet...;)  I think it's getting tiresome too.  You say you
are against everyone but you never say who you are for.  You are an anarchist?
 I'm just looking for something positive.  Do we throw the baby out with the
bath water?  I really think if outside meddlers would stop meddling, Haiti
could muddle through and find their stride democracy-wise.  But having to bow to
foreign cultures and value systems when Haiti's best interests may not be
served is killing Haiti.  Do you think any leader will not have to serve the great
god Uncle Sam???  I really want to know what you think about that.  Try to go
it alone and you will be a pariah like Castro or if you have oil, a vapor
like Saddam.  (where'd he go???)  and isn't Iraq lucky to have won the interest
of the USA?  Or are they?  Please God, make Haiti seem uninteresting to Bush.
>>The people have to overthrow their asses the hard way.  And don't bother
yourself asking me how or when.  The answer, though you won't like it, is
as soon as the masses wake up from the current populist nightmare.
 Soon come.<<
If they could see someone who will speak for them, they would do what you
say, but there is no one.  Like it or not, Aristide still would win an election
in Haiti.....bet you.  He is hamstrung and you seem not to be able to see it.
He was tied up in knots before he even got back to Haiti.  Why is the US so
interested in poor little Haiti?  WHY???  Aren't you angry about that?

Dorce~ (since it's the only name of mine you use)