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16297: Lloyd: Upbeat photo needed (fwd)

From: Robin Lloyd <robinlloyd@greenvalleymedia.org>

Hi!  I just signed up on the list, at Bob Corbett's suggestion.
I'm a filmmaker, producing a DVD in time for 2004 with the title "Haiti
Rising:  Celebrating the First Black Republic". (It will contain our
animated film BLACK DAWN, and the documentary HAITIAN PILGRIMAGE, plus
an interview with Danny Glover, and other 'menu items'.)
I am looking for a color photo for the cover of the DVD.  It should be
upbeat and celebratory: people dancing, people working in the
countryside.  It shouldn't be only children, as the DVD is aimed at
adults as well as children.
Will pay.
Please e-mail me and put the word PHOTO in the subject line.  If you can
send the photo by e-mail, great!
Robin Lloyd