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16523: LcDewey Re: 16515: Fouche: Re: 16464: Dorce: Re: 16364: Fopuche: (fwd)

From: Lc Dewey <lcdewey@hotmail.com>

Fouche :
<< Well, one really cannot have class struggle when one of the integral
>to the standard Marxist/Leninist formula largely lives outside of the
>country where the supposed social grapple is taking place.  And before I
>continue, I need to define my perception of the Haitian class system:
>Lower Class:  the largest group in Haiti, consisting of people who have no
>means to consistently sustain themselves or their family.  The Lower Class
>of Haiti also have no means of additional outside familial support (family
>in the US, Canada, France).
>Middle Class:  in comparison to the Lower Class, the second smallest
>economic group in Haiti yet it is the largest group in many Haitian
>communities overseas. >>

The key word here is "overseas".  Your  conception
of Haiti's middle class is flawed because:
1) the majority of Haitians living overseas
are at best  two paychecks away from poverty  and  rely on credit to
maintain their middle class status overseas.
2) the majority of Haitians living overseas cannot  transfer their steady
paychecks and their credit to Haiti.
3) Should the  majority of Haitians living overseas be forced to
return to Haiti, they would automatically fall into Haiti's lower class.
Which is the reason they remain overseas.

Fouche :

<< Members of this class have had access to education
>lasting longer than five years and past the elementary level.  There are
>subclasses within the Middle Class, which can be termed as partial
>sustaining ("lower middle class") and fully sustaining ("upper middle
>class").  Partial Sustaining Middle Class may also not be able to
>consistently sustain themselves or their family, but additional means of
>outside familial support prevents them from falling into the Lower Class.
>Fully Sustaining Middle Class are able to consistently sustain themselves
>and their family through provision of goods and services (engineers,
>doctors, businesses that are located in buildings).  Fully Sustaining
>Class members have had to flee Haiti due to political persecution and
>inability to develop consistent institutions needed to protect the human,
>economic, and social rights of all Haitians.>>

Meaning they were unable to maintain their middle class status in Haiti.
Whaever the cause, political persecution, lack of opportunities,  foreign
pressure, etc.,  The fact is the fully sustaining middle class could no
maintain itself in Haiti and went overseas to avoid its imminent fall into
Haiti's lower class.  The fact is, this class Haitians remains overseas
because it
is still unable to maintain itself middle class in Haiti.


<< Upper Class:  the smallest economic group in Haiti.  There are also two
>subclasses within the Upper Class, which can be termed as "dependent" and
>"independent."  Politicians, irrespective of actual economic class, and
>government officials are part of the Dependent Upper Class because of the
>power they wield in Haitian Society.  The independent Upper Class of Haiti
>is rarely seen but their influence on public and international policy is
>Because Haiti does not have a true three-class system, socio-political
>institutions never stabilize themselves -- the never-ending revolution that
>only increases misery.  We can pretend the miniscule middle class currently
>living in Haiti has concocted such ills, create the Haitian version of the
>"Final Solution," and be stuck right back in the same miserable situation.
> >>

Haitians and Haitian descents are not going to return to Haiti en masse
to live below the status they have earned overseas.  The only remedy is to
uplift enough people from Haiti's lower class into the middle class so
the middle class could finally become the majority in Haiti.
You may not like to hear it, but the "miniscule middle class currently
living in Haiti" is doomed to fall into the lower class if  they do not pull
enough lower class Haitians to join them.  Otherwise, their only alternative
is to flee overseas.

L C Dewey

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