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16576: Goodman: Re: 16572: Karshan: How the U.S. impoverished Haiti (San Francisco Bay

From: Brian Goodman <bdgoody2002@yahoo.com>

Yeah, I agree with  the point that Haiti should not have to pay her debt
I owe money to credit card companies and my car and student loans also.  I
think because at this time I can't afford to pay it all back that I should
relieved of that debt.  The same reason I and Haiti are in debt (and
else that is in debt)....is because of POOR BUDGETING.  Quit feeling sorry
yourselves.  Stop living in the past and look towards the future.  Haiti
is a
poor budgeter..that is why several countries have stopped giving money to
leaders of that country.  Heck, if my kid was blowing money
I would cut the funds to him too.