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16594: Chamberlain: re 16589 Arthur and 16582 Laleau (FRAPH docs/truth commission) (fwd)

From: Greg Chamberlain <GregChamberlain@compuserve.com>

Charles Arthur is right to ask why nothing has been done with the
FRAPH/FAdH documents since they were returned, notably after a big campaign
by his group and others.  Surely the Haitian government has responsibility
for something, sometime, somewhere...   It's always easier, though, to
claim it's someone else's fault.

Nancy Laleau says of a "truth commission" that "parents who refuse to even
allow the truth to be told make it impossible for rectification and
forgiveness to ever occur."  But the report of the Haitian government
"truth commission" (on the coup years) was ever-so-timidly "published" (if
that) several years ago.  Again, no action at all was taken on it.  Can she
tell us why?

Peru this week published the blistering report of its truth commission on
the Fujimori years, which denounced racism against the Indians and called
for indictments across the board.  Action _may_ follow.  But the Haiti
commission report was unaccompanied by even robust comment.  In fact I
don't think there was any comment at all.  Can anyone remember?

Perhaps a few more conspiracies should be invented to hide the fact of the
government's incompetence...

        Greg Chamberlain