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16955: This Week in haiti 21:31 10/15/2003 (fwd)

"This Week in Haiti" is the English section of HAITI PROGRES
newsweekly. For the complete edition with other news in French
and Creole, please contact the paper at (tel) 718-434-8100,
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                           HAITI PROGRES
              "Le journal qui offre une alternative"

                      * THIS WEEK IN HAITI *

                      October 15 - 21, 2003
                         Vol. 21, No. 31


by Greg Dunkel

In 1806, Haiti was diplomatically isolated. It had audaciously
declared independence two years before, after crushing Napoleon's
French army sent to re-enslave it. But no country in the world
recognized its independence. Certainly France, which had just
suffered a major blow to its fortunes and prestige, refused.
Spain still had its slave-based colonial empire in the Caribbean
and Latin America. Great Britain, at that time the predominant
world power, worried over its plantations in Jamaica, just 75
miles from Haiti, whose profits also depended on the brutal
super-exploitation of enslaved Africans.

There was substantial trade between the United States and Haiti,
even after the Haitian revolution ended slavery. Haiti sold
coffee, molasses, sugar, cotton, hides and so on and bought dried
cod, cloth, hardware and other bulk commodities. But Thomas
Jefferson, the slave-owning, slave-selling president of the
United States, was terrified by the successful slave rebellion
and went so far as to call Toussaint Louverture's army
"cannibals." Louverture was a leader of Haiti's liberation

Jefferson gave backhanded support to the Haitian struggle when
its successes led France to consider selling Louisiana. But that
was just a temporary maneuver. He was implacably opposed to
Haitian independence.

He tried hard to prevent any contact between the United States
and Haiti. Jefferson called upon Congress, which his party
controlled, to abolish trade between the two countries. France
and Spain, two major colonial powers in the Caribbean at the
time, were also enforcing boycotts of Haitian trade.
Consequently, partially in 1805 and finally in 1806, trade
between the United States and Haiti was formally shut down.

Trade still continued on an unofficial basis. U.S. ships could
call at Haitian ports, but Haitian ships were excluded from U.S.
ports. This decimated the Haitian economy, already weakened by 12
years of hard fighting and much colonial sabotage.

In the 1820s, South Carolina Sen. Robert V. Hayne made the U.S.
position absolutely clear when he stated: "Our policy with regard
to Haiti is plain. We never can acknowledge her independence."

The embargo let U.S. merchants dictate the terms of trade between
the two countries, establishing a neocolonial relationship.
Jefferson and the other racist slave owners kept the United
States from recognizing Haiti until the U.S. Civil War ended
slavery here in 1863. Before that time the U.S. slave owners
presented the racist argument that Haiti's devastating economic
decline was an example of what happens when Africans govern
themselves. These slave owners did not mention that Haiti's
problems were caused by cruel and punishing neocolonial economic
policies and actions.

Even in the midst of a civil war fought over the existence and
expansion of slavery in the United States, outright racist
actions were common in Washington. In April 1862, when Sen.
Charles Sumner raised the issue of recognizing Haiti and Liberia,
representatives of border states like Maryland and Kentucky
objected to the presence of Black diplomats in Washington. (For
more information, see "The Struggle for the Recognition of Haiti
and Liberia as Independent Republics," Charles H. Wesley, The
Journal of Negro History, Vol. 2, Oct., 1917.)


In the early 1800s, Haiti's government still felt threatened by
France even after it had crushed Napoleon's army in 1802. In 1821
France offered internal self-rule under a French protectorate.
This was essentially what Louverture thought he had won in 1801.

Haiti had given asylum and essential military and material help
to Sim¢n Bol¡var in his struggle to free Latin America. But Spain
still possessed Cuba and Puerto Rico, had claims over the eastern
portion of the island of Hispaniola, now the Dominican Republic,
and still profited from slavery. Furthermore, Haiti faced the
hostility of the United States even from sectors like the
Northern bourgeoisie, who weren't tied to slavery but were still
thoroughly racist.

In return for official recognition as an independent nation,
President Jean-Pierre Boyer offered France 150 million gold
francs indemnity and custom duties half that of any other nation.
This was a tremendous sum, estimated by the present Haitian
government to be some $21 billion in current dollars including
interest. After a show of force by the French navy, Haiti swiftly
borrowed 24 million francs to pay the first installment.

The money was earmarked to indemnify the slave owners and their
heirs for their "losses" during Haiti's revolution. For Haitians,
the freedom they had won with their blood had to be also paid for
in cash.

After France's recognition, Great Britain and the other European
powers quickly followed suit. But the United States refused.

France's financial hold on Haiti continued until the first U.S.
occupation in 1915. This hold was so complete that even when
Haiti set up its Banque Nationale in the 1880s, it was done with
French capital and French bank officers.

During the 1800s Haiti had two neocolonial overlords: France and
the United States, both of which extracted as much as they could
from the country, blaming its economic problems on what the
Haitians were forced to do to survive.


In the 19th century, the United States and the European powers
used Haiti's extreme diplomatic isolation and the devastation
resulting from its revolution against the French slave owners to
control Haiti. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the
United States uses Haiti's dire poverty.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere by any

Haiti's debt was $302 million in 1980. In 1997 it was almost $1.1
billion, which is almost 40 percent of its Gross National
Product. The value of its exports has fallen to 62 percent of
1987 levels. It should be listed as a severely indebted low-
income country but the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank have refused to do so.

More than 80% of the people in the countryside regularly don't
get enough to eat. Some 50% of the people are illiterate. Seventy
percent are unemployed. Life expectancy is 56 years and falling.
Infant mortality is more than double the Latin American and
Caribbean average. (Figures from PAPDA   the Haitian Platform to
Advocate for an Alternative Development)

Few people in Haiti have a reliable supply of clean water and
those who do buy it by the jug.

The U.S. government put an embargo on loans to Haiti from the
Inter-American Development Bank and got the European Union,
another large donor to Haiti, to do the same. The United States
took this action because in the 2000 elections, Washington's
favored candidates lost.

When U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke at the
Organization of American States meeting in Santiago, Chile, in
June, he warned that the OAS would re-evaluate its role in Haiti
if the Aristide government did not conform to OAS resolutions
about the organization of Haiti's elections. This was also a
warning to Latin American countries to follow the U.S. policy on

The United States wants to rig Haitian elections so that its
favored candidates win. In the 19th century, it used gunboats and
threats to assure victory. Now it's more convenient to hide the
hand that throws the rock behind an organization like the OAS.

But Haiti is not Florida, where George W. Bush stole the last
presidential election. The first election that Aristide contested
in 1990 was in fact more than just an election. It was a mass
movement, a Lavalas flood to elect a people's candidate   and it
swept all the encrustations and debris left over from decades of
foreign interference and U.S.-backed Duvalierist terror.

Aristide's election was a shock to U.S. reliance on rigged
cosmetic elections to put in politicians who will enforce neo-
liberal capitalist exploitation.

Despite a 1991 military coup to oust Aristide that cost over
5,000 lives and all sorts of CIA skullduggery, popular support
for Aristide remained strong. He and his party won the 2000
election. The real reasons the U.S. and European governments are
withholding aid from Haiti are to force concessions out of
Aristide or topple his administration should he not submit to
imperialist demands   and to punish the Haitian masses as was
done in the 19th century for daring to make a revolution that
ended slavery.

Reprinted from the Oct. 16, 2003, issue of Workers World

All articles copyrighted Haiti Progres, Inc. REPRINTS ENCOURAGED.
Please credit Haiti Progres.
