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17888: Dailey: Re: 17881: White's little surprise

From: Peter Dailey <phdailey@msn.com>

As someone who occasionally writes about Haiti I read Randall White's post
great interest. I don't know about Norton, Deibart etc. but I like
Unfortunately, I'm in New York. But when White is assembling his
delegation of
young, angry and energetic students I hope he doesn't overlook Rene Civil
the JPP. I always thought that Civil's associates were a bunch of down-on-
their-luck tough guys who were willing to beat up defenseless people for
an afternoon. So I am indebted, as always, to Kevin Pina, for pointing out
the Black Commentator that the JPP is in fact a "Protestant Student

And while I'm at it, let me add a word for Deibart just in case he
construed White's message as a threat: "Hey Bro! I guess you saw the Miami
Herald headline yesterday announcing Aristide 'chastises armed followers
shooting at opponents.' Personally I never doubted him, although someone
me that what he said in the interview was actually very different. But I
think you ought to watch your back for a few days longer- it may take a
while before
Fritz Joseph's copy of the Herald is delivered to him. And just between
the two
of us, one mainstream media star to another, do you think anyone has told
Aristide yet that in fact Interior Minister Jocelerme Privert is paying
chimeres and that they are riding around in Teleco trucks? I don't,
Aristide told Tracy Kidder that most of the incidents attributed to the
chimeres have been the work of provocateurs. Kidder won a Pulitzer, and I
Aristide would have been able to pull the wool over his eyes, not that he
ever try. Maybe Randall White will be able to get to the bottom of this!"

Pete Dailey