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18200: Hyppolite: Wanting to get in touch with Robert Fatton

From: Hyppolite Pierre <hpierre@irsp.org>

Bob, Is there any way you can help me find Robert Fatton's email address. I
am sure he is on your list, but am not willing to come out as I know I
should, on the list and asking for his email address.

[Note from Corbett to list:  I am happy to post such inquiry notes, but I
do want to clarify:  a.  I do not have access to the Haiti mailing list
any more than you do.  It is on Webster U. server and I don't have access.
b.  Even if I did, I don't give out any e-mail addresses, regarding such
addresses as matters of privacy.

However, I will post such inquiries and others can see if they might help
get the word out to the appropriate person, in this case Robert Fatton.]

I hope you can help.

Hyppolite Pierre