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18619: honorat re:discussion points on coup d'etat (fwd)

From: stanley honorat <stanhonorat@hotmail.com>

In attempting to follow this whole discussion about the current situation, I
notice an abuse of language, which masks some of the major issues plaguing
The term coup d’etat has been used extensively as a smoke screen.  The
trusty Webster’s dictionary defines it as: “a sudden and decisive measure in
politics, esp. one affecting a change of government illegally or by force.
	Breaking down the definition and applying it to our case, we see that the
term does not fit.  First, the situation affecting Haiti is not at all
sudden.  It is the culmination of a series of crises that began with the
“elections” of 2000 (May 21st and November 26th, respectively).  Secondly,
and more importantly, a coup consists of an ILLEGAL change of government.
Therefore, it stands to reason that, if the change is legal, it cannot be
properly termed a coup d’etat.  Furthermore, aside from legalistic or
constitutional situations regarding regime change, we can draw from one
example from American history, which, if applied to our case, explains the
movement to remove Jean-Bertrand Aristide from power.  The (American)
Declaration of Independence states, in no uncertain terms:
“-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it
is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and institute a new
Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to seem most likely to effect their Safety and
The ends mentioned are, among others: life, liberty, and the pursuit of
There are many more arguments that can be brought against the current
government.  The point is that, due to all that has been stated before, and
all that is being witnessed now, regime change is necessary for this country
to move forward.

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