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18735: Esser: Kofi Annan on haiti (fwd)

From: D. E s s e r <torx@joimail.com>

United Nations Press Release

New York, 17 February 2004 - Secretary-General's Press Encounter Upon
Arrival at United Nations Headquarters [excerpt]


Q: On another subject, Sir, Haiti. The situation seems to be slipping
out of control. What are your thoughts on the situation and do you
plan to maybe get involved in any way shape or form to try andŠ

SG: We are extremely concerned about the situation in Haiti and we
have been in touch with CARICOM and the Organization of American
States in reassessing our own participation and how we should become
much more actively engaged. And so, I may have some announcements in
the next few days.

Q: When do you anticipate deciding on Mr. Brahimi's conclusions? Will
it be before you go to an unnamed large contributor to the United

SG: I hope so. I hope I will be able to do that before then, before I travel.

Q: Do you agree with Mr. Brahimi's assessment? He was very worried
about civil war, a comment that didn't get that much play, but he
seemed to express a lot of concern about that prospect.

SG: Well I know there has been some concern but I would really prefer
to sit with Brahimi and the team and go over their findings, their
impressions, and the discussions they had before I draw my own
