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#1769: Re: #1737: Re: #1710: Poincy comments on comparisons and contrasts of Cuba and Haiti

From: Jean Poincy <caineve@idt.net>

Well! attention has always been on Cuba from a political stance; those
with interest just had difficulties to go there and influence the
polities as they pleased. However, I doubt it would be to help Cuba
better itself economically. For multinational corporations (MCs) have
one and only interest in other societies: that of securing their
economic interests in order to remain competitive on the world market.
Cheap labor and a well educated population are their driving force. The
former helps them with tedious and menial productive activities and the
latter with improving or undertaking the more complex productive
activities, still at a very low cost relatively to their mother land.

	We need not to forget that Ayiti will always be wanted for its cheap
and obedient labor force and I don't think an open Cuba will offer this
kind of economic advantange. If it is so, it won't be for too too long.
Nonetheless, if the workforce is equiped enough to help them in their
complex activities, the MCs will find a different kind of economic
advantage. That would explain the new focus on Cuba (leave aside the
tourist factor). 

	Now for their international economic agents (if I may call certain
international organizations that way) whom found duties in Ayiti's
situation, they just will have different functions in Cuba while others
will be assigned to Ayiti. If one is jealous for such a development,
there is no need to be, for Cuba has worked for it and is now at a point
where its people can better serve the world provided its opening to
world will not cause its deterioration. 

	We need not to think that economic advisers, community builders like
NGOs and all kind of specialists would debark there to rescue a moribund
society as they thought of doing in Ayiti when Aristide was brought
back. Instead, they will find a well structured a secured society ready
for the new era. I think they need to dry their mouth, pull their
tongues out and close their mouth, don't you think so Gill? Cuba will be
no socio-economic laboratory experiment.

	If the post Castro has wellminded leaders to take on the government
duties this attention will be a great economic opportunity for Cuba. In
the case that the post Cuba produces indifferent leaders like Ayiti
does, the shift will be a lost for Ayiti (there is a reason to be
jealous) for the MCs will have interests in cheap labor like it is in
Ayiti. The only difference is the workforce will be more educated and
the injustice would be worst to them.

	At any rate, if Cuba have such stimuli, that's because it has a
government that did its job by bringing stability, ensuring individual
security and creating the foundation for a common well-being and that at
the expense of freedom of speech and individual liberty which Ayiti is
basing on or fully embracing to improve itself. That's the virus killing
Ayiti now.

	Taking the shift as understood, I join Kozny in the sense that it is a
great opportunity for Ayiti to fend for itself. Where I may depart from
him is the form of government to establish there once Ayiti is on its
own. For that matter, Ayiti will really have the chance to determine the
form of its government for itself whose role will be to shut the valve
of individual liberty to the benefit of the security of the whole.

Ayiti has lived, lives and will live