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19818: (Craig) UN Wire for Thursday (fwd)

From: Dan Craig <hoosier@att.net>

March 4, 2004

Back in Haiti, more than 30 staff members of the International Committee
of the Red Cross <http://www.icrc.org/> have resumed work on emergency
medical operations, and continue to urge armed rebel leaders and
political groups to stop targeting medical personnel and
hospitals, Reuters
<http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsPackageArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=469481&section=news> reports
(March 4).

The ICRC has also appealed to the international community for $3.5
million to cover surgical and other medical aid in Haiti for the next
four months (ICRC release
March 4).

Yesterday, Amnesty International <http://www.amnesty.org/> released
a list <http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engamr360132004> of people
it says are human rights violators in Haiti, and who need to be brought
to justice (March 3).
