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20240: Marassa: Maguire testimony to Committe on Internationl Relations (fwd)

From: DeSprit Marassa <lwasauvaj@hotmail.com>

Marassa very happy with statement by Maguire. He is mucho correcto.

He say:
          "What we have been seeing in Haiti is nothing more than a struggle
among the political
           class and its allies, and the incumbent government to seize,
and/or to hold on to, power."

Essentially he saying that Titid lose game in Washington. Morrel and boys
win propraganda game against Congressioinal Black Complainers. When push
come to shove, Washington fire titid.
(Do foreigners who work for either side know they have been played????)

But, we want to give even more cynical analysis. You see, have you notice
where all the most qualified Haitians live?? Montreal, Miami, Boston, Paris,
New York..etc...Even everyone in power on both sides have access out of
country. (all the chiefs have visas/residence/citizenship elsewhere)

Stanley Lucas, Apaid, BAker et al can come and go whevever they want. (salad
Titid and Mildred, Neptune, Voltaire, Desquiron etc. et al can go bye bye
whenever they want..

But both sides of battle have common goal. They no want to stay in cold
north or expensive U.S. places for retirements. No no no. They all wanting
to take up old family residence (one of many) back in Haiti. they want the 5
servants to wash, cook, clean and open gate so they no have to get out of
car....(can't have this in Montreal)   they want nice U.S. style security in
little exo-burbs...

So, now political class/exiles with beautiful 1st world pensions wanting to
return to nicely renovated Haiti for to retire in peace and comfort....

So they want the change but no too much. otherwise too expensive for to
retire under mango tree.....ah, Haiti cherie...but most beautiful idea is
that one of history's most irresponsible political class is going to plead
poor and let the "blan" pay for the renovation. Not just asking for it, they
demanding it. the sense of entitlement of the dual passport holders in the
United States and Canada is truly astounding. willing to blame anyone and
anything but themselves...(why pay to fix country ourselves when "blan" will
do it for free?)

Marassa le cynique

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