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22378: (Craig) UN Wire: U.N. Develops Anti-AIDS Program For Peacekeepers In Haiti (fwd)

From: Dan Craig <hoosier@att.net>

U.N. Develops Anti-AIDS Program For Peacekeepers In Haiti
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Joint U.N. Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched a program yesterday
to prevent AIDS among peacekeepers in Haiti before the main contingent
arrives later this month.

Armed personnel in conflict situations are particularly vulnerable to
HIV, with a rate of infection that is 50 times greater than the civilian
population, according to U.N. estimates.

"We know the impact of AIDS on peacekeepers," said UNAIDS Executive
Director Peter Piot.  "Therefore, it is imperative to have a
comprehensive AIDS prevention program in place that targets peacekeeping
troops and civilian staff."

The program, co-managed by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations,
will also benefit the Haitian community, which has an HIV prevalence
rate of more than 5 percent, the highest rate outside sub-Saharan Africa
(U.N. release
<http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=11037&Cr=Haiti&Cr1=>, June
