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25591: Du Tuyau (Inquiry) (fwd)

From: viandemoulue@aol.com

Good morning and good day. I am curious. I don't know. I ask question. I am
sure someone can help so please do. Here's my beef.

There is exchange between Mister Jafrikayiti (Mister Jean St-Vil) and Mister
Simidor. Mister Afrika writes that every problem in Haiti, you use the big L
(Lavalas) to say that the problem is from Lavalas. Mister Simidor writes to
imply clearly that same way CRESFED was Lavalas hooligan job, same way that
insecurity and kidnapping are Lavalas job. So I went for some searching in the
news. I read on the world wide web three reports yesterday. One report from
moderate Haiti En Marche; one report from Lavalas-leaning Agence Haitienne de
Presse; one report from Convergence leaning and Groupe-184-convinced Radio
Metropole. All reports are read is all in French. So I ask my ESL insructor
(English for Second Language) to make sure my English translation is correct.
This is important because I want to get right inference. I honestly don't know
who is killing and kidnapping and stealing.

In a meeting for July 4th, America ambassadeur James Foley speak. Radio
Metropole website suggests that Mr. Foley blames Lavalas for the insecurity.
The headline from Metropole readin is this in French:"La violence est l'arme
privilégiée par les lavalassiens pour faire passer leurs revendications. "

That means in French, "violence is the favorite weapon for Lavalas to bring
attention to their causes and issue". That sentence is also attributed to
Mister Foley, at least in the way it goes into first paragraph of Metropole
news report. Read with me too, please: "Les mots utilisés par l'ambassadeur
américain James B. Foley, à l'occasion de la fête nationale des Etats-Unis
viennent confirmer une information déjà répandue à travers le pays, à
savoir, « la violence est l'arme privilégiée par les lavalassiens pour faire
passer leurs revendications », soutiennent des experts haïtiens. "

That means in French: the words use by US ambassador James B. Foley, on the
occasion of Independence Dat in the US, simply confirm what has already been
known throughout the country, that is "violence is the favorite weapon for
Lavalas to bring attention to their causes and issue", confirm Haitian experts.

The way Metropole write at the end of first paragraph: "confirm Haitian
experts" brings confusion more and more. Did Foley make that statement, or
does Metropole infer from his declaration, perhaps rightly, perhaps wrongly?
So I went and dug further.

Moderate newspaper HEM (Haiti En Marche), write something like this, also in
French: "L'ambassadeur James B. Fowley [....] a lancé un avertissement sévère
à ces responsables politiques qui "viennent à des réunions avec les Nations
Unies, alors qu'ils planifient en même temps des actes de violence contre les
forces des Nations Unies."

That simply meaning, "that the ambassador [...] launched severe warning
against politicians who go to the UN meetings while planning attack on UN

AHP, Lavalas-leaning, write on same day yesterday: " James B. Foley a
toutefois accusé sans le citer nommément, un secteur qui serait derrière ces
violences et dont le but, a-t-il dit, est de paralyser le processus électoral."

This means clearly, that US ambassador did not accuse any one sector directly.
So right there, we're starting to have contradiction.

AHP says Foley accused no particular sector during his speech; HEM report
suggests the same like AHP. That means, Foley did not accuse no group
directly. But Metropole, at the very least suggests that Foley named Lavalas
as the culprits.

That's why it gets so hard to get the truth from Haiti, or to be fair, from
anywhere else. That's why people like to read different newspapers when
looking for some important information but maybe we're getting somewhere.
Maybe I think, we're getting closer as non-politicians observing, to know who
is behing the kidnappings and killings. The crucial questions I have and hope
many of you have are these questions below.

Which groups or sector participate in meetings with the UN oftentimes?
Why UN representant Gabriel Valdez, and Ambassador Foley use the
word "secteur" (sector) instead of "party"? Are they telling us something by
NOT using the word "party"? If so, which "sectors" go to those meetings?

I suspect we may be able to quickly get a whole idea as to who is behind those
killings/kidnappings, etc. A sector, perhaps with political connection but not
necessarily a political party. Or is it a party that represents simply a

I am confusion. That's why I ask for help. I suspect anyway, we're coming soon
very closely to find out what group is with kidnapping and killing. If so and
thus maybe, we no more suspicious of innocent group or party or sector. We
need to know but maybe we need research to continue to infer on our own. I
suspect pretty soon, we'll figure it out. But for me, I will no say nothing
when and if I figure it out. I'll just add the name to my funny-funky H-
politicians deck.