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27077: Du Tuyau (comment) elections in limbo (fwd)

Subject: Du Tuyau (comment) elections in limbo

Happy New Year to all of you. I have lost my throat for voice speaking, out of
sadness for the country Haiti. I was crying in my heart without a noise in my
voice. The reason is simple and easy.

Okay. It goes like this but first of all, let's set some things straight. I am
sorry that Mrs. Regine Alexandre lost her journalist job. I don't know if she
was doing advocacy journalism about Haiti. But who cares? Most journalist
Haitians are advocacy journalist, whether true (because of their saying or
writing) or not (accused of being on one side or the other because most
Haitian politicians and politicians-wanna-be no like the truth as factual as
they are).

I haven't heard lately about Mister Guyler C. Delva. Maybe he lost his job for
Reuters. He was not anti-Lavalas enough, according to the purists/Maoists.
Well for me, I liked and still like Deng Xiao a little bit more than usually.
Anyway ... back to the present.

I have noticed something interesting with the facts. I know after I write this
post, many people say "ah he is Lavalas..." Meanwhile, Lavalas will simply
say: "no worry about this guy.. he no know what he talking about". So here it
is... folks ,  here's the Haiti of the sophisticated today, since after
February 29, 2004.

In 1996, with very little help international, Lavalas organized elections for
prezidan and parliament and others (okay ... call it selection if you want but
they organized it).

In May 2000, with heavy technical support from OAS and others, Lavalas
organized under Preval, parliamentary elections and elections for municipal,
CASEC, everything minus prezidan... we know the rest after that one... Trouble
for Lavalas since then.

In November 2000, Lavalas under Preval once more, organized an election
presidential. Of course the world say 2 to 5 to 0.1 percent of people
participate. But elections they organized, gave one firm date, and did it!! As
we say in Kreyól beautiful, rayi chen di dan l blan (you can hate the dog but
just say it, the dog has nice teeth).

The government now (since 2004 after Titid) is supposed to be technocratic,
highly qualified, sophisticated, impressive, intelligent, la creme de la creme
of the elitist.... Oh boy-oh girl!!! Those guys can't even organize an
election...? Every week or month or time, they have to say ... "sorry, we have
to try again"...? This is so sad. These guys are supposed to be the best,
considering that all Lavalas are moun sót, pitit chimè, imbecile, stupidos, ti
grangou, nèg sal, and so on and on and forth.

How is it that our sophisticated, Frenchie-French and anti-Lavalas elite in
power cannot even organize a selection, let alone an election? For the good
ole' boy sake, they've gotten tens of millions of dola from community
international. Yet, they can't even organize one elections or selections?

Are they so adminsitratively amorphous? Are they so managerially cretins? Is
that what our supposed to be sophisticated elite consist of? Makes me wonder!!
I have a good laugh out of it but I afraid little bit because, if our supposed-
to-be-sophisticated ELITE cannot even organize election, what would happen if
the selection went on their side, and that they won?

What a shame -- what a shame -- what a shame --!!!!!!!!!

I can see all the poor chimères of Cite Soleil laughing out loud!!

Oh by the way ... those guys are so sophisticated, this morning I was perusing
the electoral council website. They claim that Titid was overthrown on 29
April, 2004, ... in perfect Frenchie-French too. So what do you expect from
those guys? What can YOU expect? he he he. If you no belief of me, here's the
link of their Frenchie-French: http://www.cep-ht.org/infohaiti.html

Du Tuyau moun fou

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