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27884: Boswell -- Haiti - Democracy/Dialogue (fwd)

From:  Richard A. Boswell <boswellr@pacbell.net>

It is interesting to watch how fractured and skewed people's views can be. When opponents of Aristide launch into their attacks they do so without acknowledging any of the positive developments. I have been supportive of Aristide government, but will readily acknowledge that there was corruption and other transgressions. At the same time opponents cannot even acknowledge what to me was a glaring difference in Haiti during Aristide's presidency -- which was that people could openly criticize his government and schools were being built, and I could go on and on.

So my question to the folks that were/are on the other side. What acknowledgment would you like to hear from the Aristide supporters that you have not heard that could help move the conversation forward.

Richard A. Boswell
boswellr@pacbell.net or boswellr@uchastings.edu