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28566: Bellegarde-Smith: (announce) Movie Set in Haiti Draws Rave Reviews (fwd)

From: P D Bellegarde-Smith <pbs@csd.uwm.edu>

From: Jocelyn McCalla

The New York Times

July 7, 2006


 Laurent Cantet's 'Heading South' Shows the Ache of Blinding Lust in a
 Sexual Paradise Lost


 "I'm crazy about love - sex and love, I'm not really sure anymore,"
 declares Ellen (Charlotte Rampling), the haughty, brutally forthright
 queen bee in the gaggle of sex tourists frolicking through Laurent
 Cantet's devastating film "Heading South."

 "I always told myself that when I'm old I'd pay young men to love me,"
 she continues in her best blasé manner. "I just didn't think it would
 happen so fast." A beautiful, unmarried 55-year-old teacher of French
 literature at Wellesley, Ellen has spent the last six summers vacationing
 at the Petite Anse, a seaside Haitian hotel frequented by poor black boys
 eager to provide sex to middle-age female guests who lavish them with
 money and gifts. Ellen, the resident philosopher among a group who picnic
 with their boyfriends on the beach, is a bossy know-it-all who is not
 quite as hard-boiled as she would like to imagine.

 As "Heading South" narrows its focus to concentrate on Ellen; her
 favorite young lover, the handsome, sly 18-year-old Legba (Ménothy
 Cesar); and two of the women in her circle, it becomes one of the most
 truthful examinations ever filmed of desire, age and youth, and how easy
 it is to confuse erotic rapture with love.

 "If you're over 40 and not as dumb as a fashion model, the only guys who
 are interested are natural born losers or husbands whose wives are
 cheating on them," Ellen tartly observes of the mating game as it applies
 to single women of a certain age.

 But "Heading South" is much more than a dispassionate examination of
 middle-age desire. Adapted from three short stories by Dany Laferrière
 and set in the late 1970's, when Haiti was ruled by Jean-Claude Duvalier
 (nicknamed Baby Doc) and a cadre of thugs, this politically pointed film
 contemplates the darker social undercurrents beneath a seemingly benign
 example of sexual tourism.

 In a dirt-poor country where life is cheap, there is a local saying that
 those who grow too tall in Haiti are cut down; the exceptions, of course,
 are tourists.

 Observing the tourism with profound distaste is the hotel's courtly,
 discreet headwaiter, Albert (Lys Ambroise). In a film constructed around
 four shattering monologues addressed to the camera, Albert's is the only
 Haitian voice to speak from the heart and what he says is chilling.
 Descended from a family of patriots who fought the Americans in the 1915
 occupation, he harbors an implacable loathing of the white visitors. His
 grandfather, he says, believed "the white man was an animal." Albert
 adds, "If he knew I was a waiter for Americans, he would die of shame."
 Today, he declares, whites wield an even more dangerous weapon than
 cannons - their dollars: "Everything they touch turns to garbage."

 How perilous life is for ordinary Haitians under Mr. Duvalier is
 suggested in the movie's opening scene, in which Albert, waiting to pick
 up a tourist at the airport, is approached by a Haitian woman who points
 to her beautiful 15-year-old daughter and pleads with him to take her
 because "being beautiful and poor in this country, she doesn't stand a
 chance; they won't think twice of killing me to grab her."

 The other three characters who bare their souls are Ellen and two fellow
 sex tourists, Brenda (Karen Young) and Sue (Louise Portal). Brenda, 48,
 is a high-strung, Valium-popping woman from Savannah, Ga.; she is
 returning to the resort three years after she visited with her
 now-ex-husband and had sex with the 15-year-old Legba, who gave her her
 first orgasm. She has been obsessed with him ever since. Sue, a
 levelheaded, good-hearted French Canadian who runs a warehouse in
 Montreal, has a Haitian boyfriend she adores, but she knows full well
 that in any other place the relationship would be laughable.

 With a screenplay in French, English and a smattering of Creole by Mr.
 Cantet and Robin Campillo, "Heading South" is a beautifully written,
 seamlessly directed film with award-worthy performances by Ms. Rampling
 and Ms. Young. As Ellen and Brenda compete for Legba's love, both imagine
 that they play a larger role in his life than they actually do. The
 little we see of Legba away from the resort suggests a complicated past.
 When a gunman goes after him, the women imagine they are the immediate
 cause of his troubles. They are, but only to the extent that Legba
 conspicuously stands out in the flashy clothes Brenda buys him. As much
 as Ellen and Brenda think they understand him and the state of fear that
 grips Haiti, they are ultimately clueless.

 At first glance, "Heading South" seems to be a departure for the director
 of "Human Resources" and "Time Out," two of the more critically acclaimed
 French films in recent years. But it continues Mr. Cantet's incisive
 examination of money and class in modern society. In "Human Resources," a
 French blue-collar family is torn apart when the son of an assembly-line
 worker joins the same company's white-collar management team, and father
 and son find themselves on opposite sides of a picket line.

 The desperate protagonist of "Time Out" loses the high-paying job on
 which his self-esteem depends and convinces his family he has landed even
 better work, while drifting around in his car and living on money
 borrowed from friends that he pretends to invest. In "Heading South,"
 money also rules. The romantic spell that Legba exerts over Ellen and
 Brenda is bought and paid for.

 Mr. Cantet's film is too sophisticated to demonize these women, whose
 relationships with their young lovers are more tender and nourishing than
 overtly crass. For all its political acuity, this great film recognizes
 and respects the complexity of its memorable, fully realized characters.

Heading South

Opens today in Manhattan

 Directed by Laurent Cantet; written (in English and French, with English
 subtitles) by Mr. Cantet and Robin Campillo, based on short stories by
 Dany Laferrière; director of photography, Pierre Milon; edited by Mr.
 Campillo; art direction, Franckie Diago; produced by Caroline Benjo,
 Carole Scotta and Simon Arnal; released by Shadow Distribution. Running
 time: 105 minutes. This film is not rated.

 WITH: Charlotte Rampling (Ellen), Karen Young (Brenda), Louise Portal
 (Sue), Ménothy Cesar (Legba), Lys Ambroise (Albert) and Jackenson Pierre
 Olmo Diaz (Eddy).


Jocelyn McCalla | Executive Director | National Coalition for Haitian Rights

275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 | www.nchr.org

V: (212) 337-0005 | F: (212) 741-8749 | C: (862) 452-7196 | Email: JMcCalla@nchr.org