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28791: Morse (comment) Tourism and Culture (fwd)

_oloffsonram@aol.com_ (mailto:oloffsonram@aol.com)

Having a hotel and being in a band gives me an interesting perspective on
Haitian Tourism and Culture.  Infrastructure is good for tourism and  commerce.
These events attract locals, foreigners and Diaspora and reflect a  profound
cultural heritage. The calendar is off the top of my head and is meant  to
reflect a general pattern.

July 16  Saut d'Eau,  Plateau Central

July 24 Fete St Jacques, La Pleine du Nord

July 26 Fete St Anne, Limonade

July 26  Fete St Anne Camp Perrin

August, second and third week, Soukri, outside Gonaives

August 15 Notre Dame. Cap Haitian, festivities, bands

August 15 Notre Dame, Gele, Aux Cayes, festivities, bands

August 22 Fete Immacule, Luly, festivities, bands

August 25  Fete St Louis, St Louis du Nord, festivities, bands

August 25 Fete St Louis, St Louis du Sud, festivities, bands

August 25 Fete St Louis Jeremie,festivities, bands

August 29 Fete St Rose, Leogane festivities, bands

July and August Summer vacation, Beach festivals

Oct 16 Marchand Dessalines, festivities, bands

November 1 & 2  All Saints day/ Day of the Dead, Festivities  throughout the
country, throughout the month

Nov 30  St Andre, Leogane

Last week in December/First week in January, Vibrant club and band  activity

December 24 Midnight Mass

December 31 New Years, Parties, bands

January 1  The beaches

Jan 21 Fete Alta Grace. Tours taken to the Dominican Republic

Sundays in January and February, Pre-Carnival celebrations most major  towns,
especially Port-au-Prince and Jacmel

Week before Carnival; Jacmel, "National Carnival".

Carnival: Dimanche Gras, Lundi Gras, Mardi Gras. Huge parades  Port-au-Prince
being the most "over the top"

Lent,  Rara season towards the North and the South. Climaxes in  Leogane on
Good Friday and the following Sunday.

End of Lent, Souvence, festivities, outside Gonaives

May 1 Agricultural Fair in Port-au-Prince, festivities in  Jacmel

May 18, Archaie, Flag Day

RAM every Thursday Hotel Oloffson (with some exceptions)