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8859: Excerpts of Pres. Aristide message at funeral of slain police (fwd)

From: MKarshan@aol.com

Excerpts of message delivered by President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on August 
8, 2001 on the occasion of the funeral of the five policeman killed in the 
attacks on police stations and the Police Academy on July 28, 2001

"The new forms of conflicts, require from us, the strategists and statesmen, 
new forms of peacemaking."

"The democratic struggle does not need to provoke bloodshed or division of 
social fiber.  Why should citizens and citizens, nations and nations, be 
afraid to talk to one another?  Deadly weapons must be stopped so that 
citizens can talk to one another.  Deadly weapons must give way to allow for 
democratic debate and dialog between nations."

"Between 1989 and 1998, more than 61 armed conflicts were recorded in the 
world, only 3 opposed different countries.  All the others were conflicts 
between fellow countrymen.  Sometimes, unfortunately, some geopolitical hands 
are behind the organized criminality whose net is estimated to be around 
1,550 billion dollars a year.  It is a question of life or death!  More death 
than life!"

"At the national level, whenever it is a question of paramilitary groups or 
armies of mercenaries, assassins or "zenglendo," I say:
Watch out!  There is death and there is death!
When you die as a zenglendo, you die in an ugly way.  Your dead for good.
When you die while robbing, you die in an ugly way.  Your dead for good.
When you die while defending your country, you live on in the memory of 
It is for this that we will never forget you, Cantave Jean Edy, Simon 
Zachary, Bruno Danaus Celusca, Djames Gazemar Lourdes, Michel Milfleur.

For the flag 
For your country
To die is beautiful.
There is no greater love than giving your life for those you love.

Dearest police officers,
We love Haiti and we will defend it from generation to generation.

That is why today we providing security and we do it more each day, in the 
morning, at noon and in the evening, day and night.  Congratulations for the 
way you are engaged to provide security.  There has to be more security than 
space in the airplanes to welcome the Tenth Department."

"Dearest former military, you are the sons of a common land.  Haiti needs 
you.  Your rights are also precious.  Haiti needs you. Don't let yourselves 
be manipulated by people who are thirsty for power. At the dawn of the 21st 
century, it's time not to militarize power but to democratize power."

"...Always involved in approximately 32 coups Haiti has experienced, the 
Haitian army at the time it was disbanded had 7,000 men which absorbed 40% of 
the national budget.  With the killings of July 28th, the list of 5,000 
Haitians killed from 1991 to 1994 becomes longer."

"Dear parents and friends of all the victims of yesterday and of today, you 
have the right to justice.  Rejecting categorically revenge, we have also 
rejected impunity.
Never more a drop of blood, we cried before
Never more a drop of blood, we shout again today."

"Justice and peace have to reign for the edification of a society of right."

"Police officers,
Take courage! Yes, you need it!
Protecting life and property, you work to make Haiti a place where justice 
and peace will reign.
Aren't you auxiliaries of justice?  Of course.
The more the reform of the judiciary system is slow, the more you have to 
show patriotic vigor to contribute to set new democratic practices.
Together with you, I am engaged to assure the respect of fundamental 
liberties. With you I am engaged to respect our country's Constitution and 
the international charter of human rights in their articles 5 and 12 which 
state that:
- Nobody should be subjected to torture or harsh, cruel, inhumane, or 
degrading treatment; 
- Nobody should be the object of arbitrary interference in their private 
life, the life of their family or their home..."

"Police officers,
The people's will is the foundation of the authority of the powers.  You have 
chosen to serve your people and you are ready to defend the rights of the 
Haitian people that you love.  Honor to the National Police of Haiti whose 
mission is to protect and to serve."

"Dear Cantave Jean Edy, Simon Zachary, Bruno Danaus Celusca, Djames Gazemar 
Lourdes, Michel Milfleur, that on July 28th, 2001 you spilled your blood at 
your posts.  In the land of your forefathers, the enemies of the people have 
sacrificed you. This worthy and proud blood floods our dear Haiti with peace 
and justice.  This Haiti which embraces you.  This Haiti whose present police 
officers stand up to salute you proudly."

"...Justice and peace have to reign over Haiti, with determination, and, 
peace for all without distinction."