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12920: Re: 12908: Re: 12886: Re: 12871: Re: 12817: Re: 12816: Re: Lavalas and corruption; Simidor responds to Pierre (fwd)

From: Hyppolite Pierre <hpierre@irsp.org>

From: Lois E Wilcken <makandal-ny@juno.com>

"PS   The words "culture" and "civilization" are not interchangeable."

Well Lois, maybe my philosophy teacher misled us when he defined both words
"culture" and "civilization" as interchangeable. He explained to us that
people use the word "civilization" or sometimes even "culture" specifically
to downgrade the validity of other cultures from poor, "native" countries.

He also told us that it is in that very context we should regard the Nazi's
use of the term "Kultur" which means the same, as a way to show the strength
and superiority of their culture when compared to others.

I still have my notes from this course in my small library at home.

Maybe the philosophical meaning of the term has changed since then. If so,
then I am sorry for the misuse.

In any case, maybe Bob (whom I believe also taught philosophy) could shed
some light on the proper use of this term for us.

Hyppolite Pierre