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13583: RE: 13582: Pierre-Pierre replies on Diaspora

From: Haitian Times <publisher@haitiantimes.com>


I have my own quibbles with the diaspora, but I think it's not that
they are critical to positive change. On the contrary, they want it. But
like everyone else they want it on their own terms. The Diaspora is tired of
being treated as a second class citizen and would love nothing better than
to have a prosperous Haiti where it can become first class, if not the
ruling class. That's why they not only send money, but they lose lots of
money in investment in Haiti. Diaspora is ridiculed in Haiti, for one thing
the word is pejorative. It means a crass person. Someone who left Haiti poor
and now has some financial means and flaunt it. That's why whenever someone
calls me diaspora in Haiti, I let them know that I don't like it and don't
call me that. I remember when I was a senior in college when duvalier's
monkey tail was broken in 1986. Lots of my parents friends, many of whom had
worked haaarrrd driving cabs poured their life saving into Haiti only to
return a few years later with stories of how they would never go back to
that place. The same thing happened in 1991 and 1994-5 after Aristide's
return. Some to this day, continue to lose money investing, small and large.

