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16178: Allouard: Re: 16177: Perrault: Re: 16167: Laleau: Flag as clothing issue (fwd)

From: Philippe Allouard <allouard@libertysurf.fr>

 Dear Perrault, just as a private observation:
 I happened twice to pass by Palais National when the flag was to be
raised... I was in motorbike and had my driver stopping; we waited,
standing, till the end of the Dessalinienne... people in cars stopped even
if not leaving their vehicules (it's easier in motorbike...).
 I use to stop also when passing by the Parliament when flag is raised or
lowered... I feel it is right and do this heartily.
 At the same moment I feel like an exageration the blocking of the traffic,
already difficult, on Delmas when sous-commissariat of Delmas 64 is rising
the flag... or, as it was ordered last year by the President, whenever and
wherever whatever flag is raised or lowered... Because almost all the
schools I know pledge allegiance to the flag, and you know how many schools
there are in Haiti... Observing strictly this principle would create real
problems in both vehicules and persons circulation... Especially as not all
the places raise the flag at the same moment...

As for the flag as cap or bandana, I might be shocked in my country were it
is not the way people do and feel... but in Haiti it seems widely accepted
and one cannot help to perceive this as a display of pride and patriotism
and not of disrespect... Besides, one should not forget that the national
colors are also commonly used for clothing, and whith such an elegance, in
vaudou ceremonies and pilgrimages... It seems not absurd to think that from
wearing the colors to the use of the flag itself as clothing, there is a
natural and easy link...

Just an hypothesis...

With my best regards,

                                        Philippe Allouard

----- Original Message -----
Subject: 16177: Perrault: Re: 16167: Laleau: Flag as clothing issue
 From: AR Perrault <arperrault_04@yahoo.com>

 You know, I was going to stay out of this discussion but it is a debate
worth bringing up.
 I understand both case:

 The flag being a symbol of national pride should be venere. Yet nobody
stops during the raising and lowering of the flag in front of the palais
 Very few school pledge allegiance to the flag.  Some of the flags floating
are left out so long that they are purple and pink and falling apart.  The
 national had a small flag no bigger than 4x6.
 So on this side of the argurment flag should large enough to be visible,
 the colors should be the right colors (Blue, not Purplelish, and Red not