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19110: nlbo: Some thoughts from the younger generation (fwd)

From: Nlbo@aol.com

        What some younger Haitians wrote in  <fouye.com>  <haitiforum.com>

I'm trying to go back to school (Medical School) and as we already know it is
very expensive.

During my search for a scholarship it has hurt me to find that there are no
scholarships offered to Haitians by Haitians...especially since we have so many
Haitians that have made it in life.

It's very hard to be THANKFUL that you are Haitian when there seems to be no
benefits to being Haitian. ( I would rather say ”It can very hard to be proud
of being Haitian.”  Being a life long student myself in the Boston area, I can
attest that one doesn' t  get financial support from the Haitian community
and there is no emotional, intellectual, collegial, mentoring support either for
Haitians  who want to improve, professionalize their skills in areas that can
be of service to the community. “Putting people first”, "investir dans
l'humain" is not a concept that most Haitians had grasped yet. Material gains take
priority over people and knowledge that can be helpful to the community.)
 2nd letter
My fellow Br,

I came here when I was a teenager, I use to cry a lot asking God  why did my
parents had ever consider to send me here. I was not able to come in  peace
with myself being here; until I started to gain knowledge and understanding.

I realized how powerful knowledge is and how much my people need that. I have
a great understanding of what is going on at home and how we can fix it  but
it will need a lot of work and dedication and love for the country and the
people (love is something that we're lacking in a big way. We have more hatred in
our country than anything else).

Haitian people need more love in their heart. Ignorance, hate, jealousy are
some of the disease that plague our people.

When I said being here help to give me knowledge and understanding, because I
am in the US.  I use the opportunity of being here to gain the education that
I needed because there are a lot of people who are satisfied with the OKi

I realize there is more to that. When I was ready to drop the hat of
ignorance, I met a gentleman who was a researcher who had taken  his time to help me
get rid of mental slavery. At certain point of my studies he showed me how to
do my own research and to apply what I had learned.

The Egyptians in their Hieroglyphics said “Know thyself and be thyself.”
Therefore by knowing oneself, it enables you to live according to who you are
not someone else's idea who happens to be our oppressors, and as history never
fail people who where oppress become oppressors themselves, and they do it to
their own people.

There are four diseases that black people are suffering from: The lack of
knowledge, ignorance, self hate, and division. Let me break it down for you.
Slavery had left us handicapped and plagued with so many diseases. The first one
is lack of knowledge of who we are and others around us.  That lack of
knowledge breed ignorance and of course ignorance breed self  hate.
Oh! By the way, if you don't like yourself, what makes you think you will
like someone else? It is impossible. My dear Brother, if you want to help our
people start with the head because that is where the problem lies.

I am so happy today that I am physically and mentally free but then again I
am in pain because the rest of us are still in mental bondage. The shackles
moved from the body to the mind.

Now it is even worse because we think we are free.  Notice that I said "we"
because if 99% of the people are still in bondage the 1% don't make a

Look at the Willy Lynch letter,
At the end of it he said that if you can  program a man's mind to how you
want him to, you no longer have to tell him what to do, his mind will dictate to
him what to do.

We need more people with love and understanding to come together as one to
solve this problem. No one can do it for us. We have to save ourselves. There is
no Jesus that is coming to save anyone.  It is a myth that have grown to
stand on. ( I don’ t agree with that. I think Haitian Christians have to get to
know Jesus and make his life, his teachings part of our lives.)


Why can't us Haitians put our heads together?

It takes a good heart, honesty and humility for us to be able to unite and
make our Haitian heritage work.

These three things are some or most of the things we all lack as Haitians.

We are admit liars, proud and boastful.

Our hearts are surrounded with hate because we never learned to love or be

We say we accept God and some of us do not even understand the concept.

We refuse to hear anything other than what we think is right (after all we
are always right?....).

We fall into a pattern and cannot grow from it. Our pride becomes our

Our hearts rendered cold to our pride, our heads held up high because we
refuse to understand anything greater than what we have to offer. All along we
stop ourselves from understanding and genuinely loving one another.

Got  the above letters from <fouye.com>  <haitiforum.com>