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19678: Sylvain: On Aristide's skills (fwd)

From: patrick sylvain <sylvaipa@hotmail.com>

Once again, Aristide has proven is evil genius qualities.  One of Aristide’s
many talents is that of story telling. Aristide is an avid reader, someone who
takes delight in great moving stories, he also loves rhetoric that has a
winning edge and above all, as a Haitian he loves “zen”.  Aristide was always
interested in knowing what you knew or what others were saying about him.  …I
guess his true “zennatò” abilities surpassed the American spinsters.

Aristide phone calls to his friends and crying “victim” is a classic Aristide
trait and he is a genius at it. Aristide’s popularity was never for his
political talent, but his oratory skills. His ability to touch the emotion and
makes the people see or feel whatever he felt or saw. For those of you who do
know Aristide, knows that he is a charmer and a storyteller.

The “stupid” Republicans wanted him out in a rush and so he retaliated by
blazing them with the Haitian “estera-zen” style. Another word, be the first
one to cry wolf and the world will listen.  Despite, my political stance and my
knowledge of Aristide and some of his wrongdoings, I have to give him credit
for such a brilliant political stunt.  Like Aristide loved to say: “Yo sezi!”
Indeed, they are shocked.

Now, and I will concur with Marassa, the State Department along with the DEA
must make public the Narco-dossier and cancel all deals.  Yes, Aristide was
forced out; but he had two options: 1-Leave as a head of state or 2- Leave as a
prisoner.  He chose option 1. However, when Aristide had requested to return to
the Palais National at around 1:15 in the morning in order to fetch something
precious and then when he got there claimed he wouldn’t go back to the airport;
hence, one highly ranked former Haitian military told him that they would shoot
him and when Aristide realized that his securities, private and palais, would
not intervened he acquiesced. Later on, he made a fuss at the airport waiting
to hear whether members from his Foundation had made it to the Cuban embassy
(that was between 4:30 to 5:30am).

My advice to the American journalists is to: press Ambassador Foley, Secretary
Powell and Ira Kurzban on the Narco dossier. If you have no success, then press
Danny Toussaint and Leslie Voltaire. Pay some of the “Swat” in the Palais and
they’ll talk.

Base on various contacts since our initial conversation at 11:30pm on Friday
and multiple contacts throughout Saturday and until 7pm on Sunday. Aristide was
not “kidnapped.”

Unfortunately, after the 1991 coup and Aristide subsequent stay in Washington,
he became too trusting of the American security system and carried too much
hatred towards Haitians and the bourgeoisie. Aristide is a tic for tac kind of
person and has a very flaring temper. I will not violate personal privacy, but
I wish that one current supporter, who is on the list, could reveal what he did
to her in 1995. And there are other well-known figures who would best be
qualified to divulge Aristide’s violent side.

What is regrettable is the level of destruction that is taking place. Once
again, it seems like we have no sense of History and the notion of preservation
is a far fetch idea. What we are seeing is the result of illiteracy and class
friction.  Lousy government + lousy bourgeoisie + desperately hungry people =
Fail State.

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