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22493: Hess: dictionaries and the name of the religion of Haiti

From: Dougrhess2@aol.com
To: corbetre@webster.edu
Subject: another voodoo/voudou
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Here's the Merriam Webster definition from online. I just copied the part
etymology. It is interesting to see that they think that voudou is the
of the word voodoo. That seems to imply that somebody (hollywood and
maybe?) used the voodoo spelling and took this to mean the kind of things
people in the US normally associate with it: zombies, evil, black magic,
witchcraft, etc. If many dictionaries have that as a definition for the
spelling, than it seems that Voudou maybe a better choice for English to
the religion properly understood. Even if it has not, like many religions
it into the dictionary. Somebody should really start a campaign to get
dictionaries to clean up their definitions of this word. If they feel
still has legit meaning (as in the public use of it to mean "spell" or
hex") they should at least note that that is an alternate definition or
spelling. Something like that, not an expert on how dictionaries do their

Main Entry: [1]voodoo
Pronunciation: 'v-(")d
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s):  plural voodoos
Etymology: Louisiana Creole voudou, probably from Ewe vdu tutelary deity,