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22876: LScottPHt: Re: 22873: Kathleen: AP article on clearing out merchants from the streets ... (fwd)

From: LScottPht@aol.com

I couldn't agree more! And, coming from someone who was there, the rebels
took over very quickly with very little resistance. I spoke to people in
Port-au-Prince who in October didn't dare tell me there political beliefs. In March
and May, they were so happy to finally be able to speak about things that had
been done to them via the police working for Aristide.

<< Gimme a break - 200 rebels able to
 a "popular" leader?  Not possible. All the talk about IRI and CIA is just
 - talk.  The people welcomed relief from journalists being killed,
 spent on palace projects, people poorer than ever.
 I don't see the end of this.  k >>